CELBANPrep University is an app-based virtual campus available internationally!


Length: 4 min. Learn about CELBANPrep University's Information, Resource and Learning Centres so that you can better understand how becoming an OPEN student at CPU will help you to save both time and money while preparing for the CELBAN.

Discover Online CELBAN Preparation

Did you know that Kim Kara started preparing Internationally Educated Nurses for the CELBAN, online, in 2009?

It is true. At that time she developed 4 modules, one for each skill: reading, writing, listening and speaking. And, because most I.E.Ns were used to focusing on all of the skills at once, many had a difficult time transitioning to this more intensively focused way of learning.

Many nurses have asked Kim, β€œWhy do you separate everything? Why don’t you teach CELBANPrep like other teachers teach the IELTS?”

While the question is simple, the answer is more complex. (Read more below.)

3 Ways to Prepare for the CELBAN

in 2021-25

1. Because she knew and understood the situation many I.E.Ns faced financially, Kim created the CELBANPrep compassionate pricing policy. By separating the skills, individuals could prepare for one skill at a time, which was much easier on the budget.

2. Kim’s intention was to create intensives so that people could focus on one skill at a time. In this way, by focusing mainly on the areas that required the most growth, she believed and knew, that individual I.E.Ns could progress more quickly.

3. Because of her Master’s Degree in Education – Adult Education – Kim understood what many do not about how different the Canadian education system is compared to other places in the world. She created her guides, books, and courses based on easing the transition that she knew many of her I.E.Ns would face when engaging in Canadian education and assessment systems.

Advance the clock to 2021.

And so it is, once again, Kim is doing what no one else has, can, or ever will do. She has taken everything she has learned and created in her ten-plus years of preparing I.E.Ns for the CELBAN – online – and created an app-based virtual campus known as CELBANPrep University.

There are three levels to the campus, providing 3 different services. Again, the reasoning is based on the Compassionate Pricing Policy.

1.CELBAN Information

For those seeking information about how to prepare for the CELBAN there is an Information Centre at CELBANPrep University. I.E.Ns are welcome to enter the Information Centre through the BRONZE bundle.

2. CELBAN Online Material

Next, for those seeking CELBAN Material, a monthly subscription to CELBANPrep University grants I.E.Ns access to the Resource Centres through the SILVER Bundle. The e-books, virtual masterclasses and training, located here, are all self-directed.

3. CELBAN Online Courses.

Next, we have CELBAN online Courses for I.E.Ns who are willing and ready to engage in more intensive training and skill development. In addition to the virtual asynchronous lessons, each course includes exciting events to reinforce skill development. These are available through the GOLD bundle.

Of course, because the courses are teacher-led, the online courses at CELBANPrep University require a commitment of time, energy and money.

But the thing is, you don’t have to take our word for it.

Experience what it’s like to engage in online learning at CELBANPrep University.

Ten years is a long time for someone to be teaching online, and what you will experience at CPU is unlike anything you will ever experience elsewhere!

See for your self.


Then, you can make your decision about where you are, what you need, and which steps to take.

CELBANPrep University, preparing Internationally Educated Nurses for the CELBAN, online, since 2009.




Would you like to learn a bit about CELBANPrep University?

(1 min)

Did you know that we have been assisting Internationally Educated Nurses since 2009? That's right. Since 2009, Internationally Educated Nurses from around the world, and across Canada, have come to CELBANPrep to prepare for the Canadian English Language Benchmark Assessment for Nurses.

Become an OPEN Student

Did you know that it wasn't until 2011 that Kim Kara started publishing CELBAN books as an affordable option so that I.E.N.s could engage in self-studies for CELBAN: reading, writing, listening, and speaking.

But, CELBANPrep University offers more than that for people who are willing to invest in themselves, their careers, and their futures. Let's explore how that might happen: where you might begin with self-study, you can enhance your learning by becoming an OPEN student with a monthly subscription to the learning centre or, you can become an ENROLLED student by registering for an online course

How to Save Time and Money while Preparing for the CELBAN Online

Because we understand your situation, with deep compassion, since 2009, our intention has been to ensure that our resources are affordable, accessible, and flexible so that you can prepare for the exam regardless of your financial situation. That is what cell-ban prep's Compassionate Pricing Policy is, and has always been, about.

CELBANPrep University. Assisting I.E.Ns to prepare for the CELBAN since 2009.

Learn more about how to access CELBAN Information, CELBAN Material, and CELBAN online courses offered through CELBANPrep University. JoinCELBANPrep University Become a member today!!!


Did you know that CELBANPrep has been offering online CELBAN Preparation Material, CELBAN Classes, and CELBAN Preparation Courses since 2009?

Β Join hundreds of Internationally Educated Nurses that have Trusted the CELBANPrep Method!


Have You Struggled with Getting a High Score? (1 min)

You are not alone! Hundreds and thousands of Internationally Educated Nurses face this situation every year. But it doesn't have to stay that way!…

How to Apply

That is why Kim Kara has devoted an entire year to creating CELBANPrep University, with programs designed to assist you in increasing your score on the CELBAN.

It is sooo easy!

Through the app, you can access CELBANPrep University on your phone or tablet whether they be Google Android or Apple iOS.

You may be wondering, "How does it work?

There are four simple steps.

(Continue reading below.)

4 Simple Steps to Apply to CELBANPrep University's App-Based Virtual Campus

That's it!

Once you have followed those four steps you can have a look around.

And start your journey on the path to increasing your score on the CELBAN today.



Learn more about the Information Centre, and the Resource Centre.